Celebrating Food, Family & Farm
Duck Hunting
I am always eager for duck season to start at Blue Ash Farm! The early fall mornings while the weather is still somewhat mild, and the sound of whistling wood ducks on the ponds, sloughs and wetlands makes my heart beat like the drum of a grouse in the woods. The...
Cider Pressing Time!
The small orchard at Blue Ash Farm yields several bushels of a mixed variety of apples and a few pears. I have never sprayed them with any kind of chemicals so they are not usually the most perfect looking shiny apples like you see in the grocery store. My bees...
Margaritas With A Spicy Kick
Spicy Margaritas 1 750ml bottle of your favorite tequilla 2-3 habanero chilies cut in half, seeds removed let the peppers steep in the tequilla for about 4 hours then remove. I like to pour the the tequilla into a pitcher so I can remove the peppers and pour the...
Honey Harvesting
I have been removing honey supers from the hives and extracting golden honey! It is a sticky job, but the smell of the honey fills the barn and I enjoy the sweet rewards! I am amazed at the amount of work it takes a hive of bees to make all the honey that pours from...
Back to work
This past spring I left my 30 year career as a broker on one of the trading floors in Chicago. It was a good career and allowed me to accomplish many goals in life, one of which was purchasing the land in southwest Wisconsin that would eventually become Blue Ash...

Maple Butter Syrup
Maple Butter Syrup This recipe ramps up your pancakes or waffles by simply combining two key ingredients together and heating. It's very simple and will also save parents the chore of buttering each of their kids pancakes individually. 3/4 cup of pure maple syrup...

Time to start blogging!
Well, I have my web site up and running and it's time to add some blog posts. All I can think about is where do I begin to put all my thoughts and ideas down in text?!? My mind is constantly in motion and I have so much to share and so many things I have done, am...