Well, I have my web site up and running and it’s time to add some blog posts.  All I can think about is where do I begin to put all my thoughts and ideas down in text?!?  My mind is constantly in motion and I have so much to share and so many things I have done, am presently doing, and will be doing.  I think about food and what I can grow in my garden, what fresh foods I can find at farmer’s markets and local farms, or forage for in the woods.  I have so many projects on the farm to do and share, I have food plots to plant for hunting season, and land to restore to help the wildlife.  My bees and chickens need my attention and my barn needs to be reorganized, the walking paths need to be maintained and fallen trees need to be removed. I have more cedar strip canoes to build and other woodworking projects, yet my wife and four kids are my priority.  It is constant work, but it is fun!

My life and career in the financial world ran its course.  I have much more in store for myself and my family.  I have more to share and more projects to complete and leave my mark in the world on a small patch of Wisconsin river valley land.  I have juggled family, career, and life for years and I am always on the move and rarely sit still.  Now I have the opportunity to jump it with all my time and effort.  I cannot wait!